Saturday, 17 January 2015

♐ 無需注射肉毒桿菌, 也可與皺紋的抗戰 ♐




Pentaxyl 配方可以刺激是你皮膚保持青春, 幫助肌膚恢復活力

雖然老化過程屬於正常現象但沒有人寧願過早顯出衰老,魚尾紋, 抬頭紋, 會顯示出皮膚的老化讓你看上去比實際年齡更老


Pentaxy 為你提供一種先進的皮膚保養新選擇,效力強大,先進的配方深入肌膚徵層,以獲得最佳效果, Pentaxyl 配方可以刺激是你皮膚保持青春, 幫助肌膚恢復活力,改善皮膚的機和色澤並有效減少身體痕出現
使用Pentaxy 會讓你無需採用偏激的辦法就有光澤的肌膚


植物縮氨技術有抗衰老功效 , 它是世界上所有動物和植物蛋白質的基本材料, 這些蛋白質有助於延遲延緩皮膚衰老
人類發現它有治療傷口的作用, 包括減少瘢痕、全面維修皮膚功能, 能刺激纖維細胞分泌更多膠原蛋白、同時有加強皮膚基質恢復皮膚青春的作用

試驗證明能明顯減少面部表情肌肉所造成的皺紋深度、尤其是前額和眼睛周圍的皺紋、阻止收緊皮下肌肉的神經訊號, 刺激膠原蛋白的分泌和蛋白質、具有收緊皮膚令皺紋不明顯

配方還有維他命A ,C, E  , 增加抗氧化的保護作用

加拿大官方連結 Pentaxyl®

全球購買連結  Pentaxyl® Global

Local pick up call 647 381 6268

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Symptoms of Enzyme Deficiencies

Symptoms of Enzyme Deficiencies

Although you may be eating healthy foods and exercising, other factors can overrun your body's ability to produce a high enough enzyme level to maintain good health. Some of these factors include environmental stressors, such as air or electromagnetic pollution; emotional stress, such as job loss, loss of a loved one, or a chronic relationship conflict; lack of raw foods in the diet; other lifestyle stress, such as frequent business travel, lack of sleep, or job and family demands. All of these conditions either inhibit the body's ability to produce enzymes, or put the body into stress because normal levels of enzymes are being used up and not sufficiently replaced.


How do I know if I should be taking digestive enzyme supplements?

symptoms that suggest you might have problems with digestive enzymes are:

·         Gas and bloating after meals
·         The sensation that you have food sitting in your stomach (a rock in your gut)
·         Feeling full after eating a few bites of food
·         Undigested food in your stool*
·         Floating stools (an occasional floating piece is fine, but if all your poop consistently               floats, that might be     a sign something is wrong)
·         An “oil slick” in the toilet bowl (undigested fat)
·         headaches, insomnia

The good news is that since digestive enzymes are very safe and reasonably cheap, you can always try them and see if you notice any difference in your digestion.

What kinds of digestive enzyme should I take?

There are a variety of digestive enzymes on the market, including single enzyme and multiple enzyme. As with all supplements, you’re looking for brands that meet the following criteria:
·         Quality/Price: Buying cheap supplements is almost always a waste of money—you’re almost never going to get the benefit you’re looking for.  When buying enzymes, don’t look for the cheapest brand on the shelf, and steer clear of conventional grocery stores and drug stores, as they carry poor quality product.
·         Reputation: There are about a zillion companies selling supplements right now, and I don’t pretend to know all of them. A couple of doctors grade companies that you can get over the Internet is Isotonix.  These companies have good reputations, and I’ve seen patients have good feedback with their products.
·         Multiple enzymes: Most people are going to benefit from a multi-enzyme product, so you’ll want to see a number of enzymes listed, including proteases (which break down proteins), lipases (which break down fats), and carbohydrases (such as amylase, which break down carbohydrates). Look at the labels of the products linked above for specifics—there are a ton of enzymes, but your product should include at least some from these labels.

When you’ve found a dose that works well for you, your symptoms should go away—that gas or bloating after meals, the feeling of a stone in the guts, or your messed up poop should get better. If not, try increasing your dose slowly, by one serve per meal, giving it at least a 3 days (and up to a week) to evaluate how things are working.

This ISOTONIX® Nutritional Supplement is Packaged Ready-to-Use and Easy to Take. Just Follow These Simple Directions:

1.        Remove the overcap from the bottle.
2.        Unscrew the bottle cap.
3.        Fill the bottle cap level with Isotonix®
4.        Pour contents of bottle cap into the overcap or a glass.Fill the overcap to the middle              line with cold tap          water.
5.        Overcap Method: Allow the Isotonix® solution to fizz for 1 to 2 minutes in the                          overcap.
6.        Glass Method: Pour water from the overcap into a glass containing Isotonix®                        nutrients. Allow solution to      fizz for 1 to 2 minutes in the glass.
7.        Drink the Isotonix® nutrient solution.

For best nutritional results:
- Take Isotonix® products on an empty stomach, preferably 15 to 20 minutes before eating      your first meal (or any meal) of the day. Exception: Vitamin B12 Special Formula should        be taken with meals.

-  Keep container closed in a cool, dry place.

Canada official site:
Globel official site :

Monday, 12 January 2015


酵素對人體正常吸收與利用食物非常重要。隨時間過去,自然老化過程會令人體製造部份酵素的能力減弱。現時,很多科學家相信維持主要酵素的正常水平,是維持整體健康的關鍵。酵素參與人體各項活動。蛋白酵素(協助消化蛋白質)、澱粉酵素(協助消化碳水化合物)及脂肪酵素(協助消化脂肪)是三種主要消化酵素;這些酵素是人體分解食物的生物催化劑。 現今加工食品與快餐盛行,人體分解食物的工作變得更加吃力;而酵素越少,這過程就越加困難。此外,不良飲食習慣、使用部份藥物和疾病亦令人體的天然細菌數目減少,而這些細菌對維持消化道健康不可缺少。Isotonix 消化酵素沖飲-檸檬青檸味是等滲透的營養補充品,由(澱粉酵素、蛋白酵素、纖維酵素、乳糖酵素及脂肪酵素混合配方)、(芽孢乳酸菌)與蔗糖酵素組合製成。本產品補充重要消化酵素和益生菌,有助維持消化健康。Isotonix 消化酵素沖飲-檸檬青檸味有助營養消化和吸收,並或有助紓緩偶發性胃部不適。


Friday, 9 January 2015

急性胃氣漲..............怎辦? ..... ( Part 2)

上回講到酵素可以幫助腸胃消化等症狀仲可以有效地減肥, 小弟巳經收集D情報可以同大家分享下.


、 消化吸收食物與營養素

一旦酵素不足,會頻頻出現上述症狀,然後逐漸演變成以下的疾病: ●急性或慢性胃炎 ●急性或慢性大腸炎 ●急性或慢性胰臟炎 ●急性或慢性膽囊膽道炎 ●胃酸減少症 ●膀胱炎 ●逆流性食道炎 ●心律不整 ●動脈硬化 ●花粉症(鼻炎) ●不孕症 ●支氣管炎 ●孕吐 ●風濕 ●卵巢囊腫 ●氣喘 ●癌症 ●白內障

當體內的代謝酵素無法順暢發揮作用時,就會產生病因, 人類體內的潛在酵素不可能永遠不斷的製造出來,但是若能夠藉著攝取酵素補充,就可以遏止潛在酵素的減少。年輕時還不易察覺,但是上了年紀後,會明確的感覺到差距很大

介 Isotonix 酵素補充劑  Digestive Health Formula 歷 


Local pick up call 647 381 6268

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

急性胃氣漲..............怎辦? ..... ( Part 1) 急救術


。仲記得早前看過一個 article. 說酵素可以幫助腸胃消化等症狀,唯有向同事借來試一試。誰不知食完一個單位之後一小時內完全無事、又會唔會太神奇啦吧。之後我再深入研究。酵素仲可以有效地減肥。仲係可以勁多。等我收集多少少資料聽日又大家分享下....打邊爐可以叫埋我,...我又復活啦..............................send Q 晒....... Istonoix

Local pick up call 647 381 6268

Friday, 2 January 2015

急性胃氣漲..............怎辦? ..... ( Part 3) 你是否缺乏酵素? 不確定? 那你看看自己有沒有類似症状..


誠意推介 等滲酵素消化健康配方  Isotonix Digestive Health Formula


Local pick up call 647 381 6268